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The Science Behind Face Masks

The Science Behind Face Masks

A look at surgical masks vs. respirators and home-made masks. Surgical masks are more useful to protect others from your secretions, otherwise known as 'source control'. Respirators are more widely used in medical/industrial settings, where exposure to airborne particles would be a problem.
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December 1, 2023
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With the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, you've likely by now encountered many different types of face masks on the market, whether cotton/fabric or surgical masks, or the more specialised N95 and FFP2/3 masks.

But what do they actually do and how do they work?

Donald Trump had at one point urged Americans at a press briefing to use their scarves as makeshift masks. So how good was his advice, and should you follow it?

If you want to know how masks work in the context of Covid-19, you first need to know two things:

  1. How SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted
  2. Particle Science

SARS-Cov-2 transmission

COVID-19 is spread primarily through droplets, which carry the virus in saliva and discharge from the nose.

When a person coughs, sneezes or exhales, these droplets can be deposited on surfaces and objects (fomites), which can then transmit the virus when a person touches this, and then touches their eyes, nose or mouth.

The debate is still ongoing about the route of transmission of Covid-19 and whether there is significant long-range airborne transmission. The World Health Organization (WHO) have noted that airborne transmission may happen in very particular circumstances, such as during Aerosol Generating Procedures (AGP) — specialised procedures carried out by medical staff, such as intubation.

Particle science

Droplets are a type of particle, and particle science is a complex discipline in itself. What makes it even more complex is that there is some variation in the literature on the classification of particle sizes.

Generally speaking, however, particles:

  • <100 micrometres (microns) in size are considered inhalable - they can be breathed in.
  • >20 microns are 'large droplets'.
  • >5 microns are non-aerosol and termed 'respiratory droplets'. When exhaled, because of their larger size, like most other things, they cannot escape gravity, and generally fall downward within 2m, or evaporate.
  • <5 microns - these can travel deep down into the lungs. They are light enough to float in the air, and can be blown and carried by the wind. A number of these particles suspended in the air are known more commonly as 'aerosols'. These can be generated to varying degrees when talking, coughing or sneezing.
  • Droplet nuclei - to make things even more confusing, there are also 'droplet nuclei'. These are the dried-out residue of droplets once the water content has evaporated, and may carry virus particles inside.

What types of face masks are there?

Broadly speaking, they can be categorised into 'surgical masks' and 'respirators'.

Respirators can be further subdivided into disposable or reusable. Reusable includes half and full facepiece masks.

Surgical Masks and Respirators

Surgical masks and respirators are governed by different standards across the US, Europe, Australia and New Zealand, and also China (see below):

Governing Standards of Masks

What are the differences between surgical masks and respirators?

Surgical masks are generally:

  • Disposable and single-use
  • Loose-fitting
  • Used mainly to prevent droplets from the wearer from being expelled into the environment
  • In terms of particle size, surgical masks may only offer some protection from the largest of droplets falling onto it. For example, saliva globules from someone sneezing directly onto your face. It would not protect from the much smaller particles or aerosols we mentioned earlier from being inhaled, simply because there are too many areas of leak around the mask.
  • Rarely filter particles <5 microns and their filtering efficiency can vary from 14%-99%

Whereas respirators:

  • Are disposable, or have changeable filters
  • Are tight-fitting
  • Primarily protect the wearer from inhaling hazardous airborne particles
  • Can protect from both large and very small airborne particles (we will go on shortly to look at just how small the particles they can filter)

Depending on which part of the world you're from, respirators are given different names (see below):

Respirator Types

As you can see, N95 in the US is the rough equivalent to FFP2 in Europe, P2 in Australia and New Zealand, and the KN95 in China. The US N99 is the equivalent of FFP3 in Europe.

Respirators conforming to standards should reach a minimum filter efficiency. The higher the percentage number, the more efficient the respirator should be in filtering out airborne particles. For example, the N95 filters out at least 95% of particles at 0.3 microns in diameter, whereas the FFP3 filters at least 99%.

This raises the question: how big is the size of a SARS-CoV-2 virus particle?

Individual particle sizes may vary, but generally, they are in the region of 0.12 microns (approx. 120nm). Many virus particles, don't forget, are contained within the droplets we mentioned earlier.

But wait, you're probably thinking, wasn't it mentioned earlier that respirators filter out particle sizes of 0.3 micrometres? So how can SARS-Cov-2 particles be filtered out if they are smaller than that?

Particle Size Comparison

How does mask filtering work?

The exact science is complicated, but very interesting. Essentially, 0.3 micron sized particles are considered to be the hardest to trap.

Now imagine there is a net, which is the filter, and a marble is the 0.3 micron particle.

Marbles travelling towards the net will mostly get trapped, but a very small few will pass through, because they are the perfect size to do so.

Any particle bigger than the marble — let's say a tennis ball, for example — is easily caught in the net.

You would therefore logically conclude that any particle even smaller than the marble (i.e. <0.3 microns) would fit through the net even more easily. Interestingly, it's a bit more complicated than that.

When particles get that small, they start to behave very strangely. Because they have so little mass, they are bounced around like a pinball, even by gas particles around them. This is known as Brownian motion. As a result, they move in a random zigzag pattern that actually makes them easier to catch in the filter media.

Therefore, respirators are measured on their ability to trap the most difficult particle size of 0.3 microns, which is known as the Most Penetrating Particle Size (MPPS).

Taking the N95 mask as an example: if it can filter out 95% of particles at 0.3 microns, which are the hardest to capture, it can generally filter out smaller particles like Covid-19 with no problem.

If fitted correctly, respirators have generally been found to filter efficiently at particle sizes <0.1 microns, although the absolute lowest limit is difficult to pinpoint exactly.

Fit testing

Which brings us onto the next concept of fit-testing. Because people come in all different shapes and sizes, there is not a one-size-fits-all mask. For respirators to be truly effective, they must be fit tested so a tight seal can be formed. Surgical masks do not have the same effectiveness or purpose because they are loose fitting with gaps around the sides.

Fit testing is a process carried out by a trained professional, who ensures there is an adequate seal between the wearer's skin and the facepiece.

This is most commonly done with various 'taste' tests using different sprayed substances. If the wearer can taste or smell these while wearing the mask, then the fit test is deemed failed.

Some of the commonly used taste substances are:

  • Isomyl acetate (banana smell)
  • Saccharin (sweet taste)
  • Bitrex (bitter taste)

Fit tests are an important point to bear in mind, particularly for members of the public who may wear inadequately fitted respirators and be given a false sense of security.

How do home-made masks compare?

As a rough comparison:

In one 2014 study, using what is known as particle penetration testing:

  • Cotton masks were found to block about 30% of particles fired at them, while
  • Cotton handkerchiefs blocked from 2% (1 layer) up to 13% (4 layers).

In another 2010 study, researchers looked at common fabric materials over 5 categories including sweatshirts, T-shirts, towels, scarves and cloth masks. On average,

  • Sweatshirts ranged from 18% to 60%
  • T-shirts <14%
  • Towels 34 to 40%
  • Scarves between 11% to 27%
  • Cloth masks blocked from 10% to 26% of particles

What's interesting is that the US Centers for Disease Control had at one point recommended the wearing of cloth face coverings in public spaces where other social distancing measures were difficult to maintain.


Surgical masks are more useful to protect others from your secretions, otherwise known as 'source control'.

Respirators are more widely used in medical/industrial settings, where exposure to airborne particles would be a problem.

As an endnote, wearing masks alone is not a foolproof way to avoid infection and is one more layer of protection alongside effective infection control measures.

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How Do You Measure Pulse Rate?
Basic Health

How Do You Measure Pulse Rate?

Pulse is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of the arteries as blood is pumped by the heart and which can be felt at certain positions of the body. A normal resting pulse rate for adults typically falls between 60 and 100 beats per minute (BPM) at rest.
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What is pulse rate?

Pulse is the rhythmic expansion and contraction of the arteries as blood is pumped by the heart and which can be felt at certain locations of the body, most commonly the wrist (radial) and neck (carotid).

Each pulsation represents a heartbeat, and the pulse rate is the number of heart beats per minute (bpm).

Why measure pulse rate?

A regular pulse indicates that your heart is effectively pumping blood throughout the body and our pulse rate can be reflective of our health in general such as physical fitness.

In practice, it is most useful and the easiest to determine two features of the pulse:

1. Pulse rate:

At times, when the pulse is too high (tachycardia) or too low (bradycardia), it can be a sign of an underlying abnormality such as cardiovascular (heart) or thyroid problems.

2. Pulse rhythm:

Our heart (for the most part) should beat at a regular interval. When our heart beats irregularly this usually requires further investigation as it can be a sign of a rhythm abnormality of the heart.

How do you measure pulse rate?

To obtain an accurate pulse reading:

1. Find a quiet and comfortable space:

Choose a calm environment to minimize external influences on your pulse rate.

2. Locate your pulse:

Common pulse points include the wrist (radial artery) towards the thumb side (see below) and the neck (carotid artery).

It is often easiest to use two to three fingertips (index, middle and fourth fingers) and applying light pressure at the site to feel the pulse.

Radial pulse - felt on the wrist towards the thumb side.

Carotid pulse - this can be found on either side of the neck, just below the angle of the jaw.

3. Count the beats:

Using a timer or watch, count the number of beats you feel within a 60-second interval. Alternatively, count for 15 seconds and multiply by 4 to get your beats per minute.

4. Ensure proper technique:

Maintain a light touch when feeling for your pulse. Pressing too hard may obstruct blood flow, leading to inaccurate readings.

5. Record your findings:

Keep a log of your pulse rate, noting the time of day and any relevant activities or emotions. Regular monitoring helps identify patterns over time.

What is a normal pulse rate?

A normal resting pulse rate for adults typically falls between 60 and 100 bpm at rest. Athletes may have lower resting rates due to enhanced cardiovascular fitness.

Remember, like blood pressure, pulse rate is dynamic and will go up and down depending on several factors including:

  • Age
  • Body temperature
  • Physical activity
  • Pain
  • Emotions and stress
  • Medication
  • Caffeine intake

Understanding these factors can provide context to your pulse readings.


Monitoring your pulse can offer insights into cardiovascular fitness and help detect irregularities. If you notice persistent irregularities in your pulse rate consult a medical professional.

How Do You Measure Body Temperature?
Basic Health

How Do You Measure Body Temperature?

Body temperature is one of the core 'observations' or 'vital signs' that reflects the balance between heat production and heat loss within the body. A body temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher indicates a fever.
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What is body temperature?

Body temperature is one of the core 'observations' or 'vital signs' that reflects the balance between heat production and heat loss within the body. It is measured in degrees Celsius (°C) or Fahrenheit (°F).

The average adult's normal body temperature hovers around 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) but like blood pressure, individual variation exists with a range from 36.1°C (97°F) to 37.2°C (99°F).

Temperature can also vary slightly depending on the time of day, activity level, and other factors. It is a useful marker to measure, especially when we are feeling unwell to confirm if there is fever. In some instances, our body temperature can drop too low and when extreme, this is called hypothermia.

Why is it useful to measure body temperature?

Measuring body temperature can help to:

  • Detect an infection: When you have an infection, your body temperature will often rise. This is because your body is fighting off the infection and trying to raise the temperature of your body to make it more difficult for the bacteria or virus to grow.

  • Identify other health problems: Sometimes, a high or low body temperature can be a sign of an underlying health problem, such as a thyroid disorder.

How do you measure body temperature?

There are several ways to measure your body temperature. The most common methods include:

Oral thermometer:

This is one of the commonest types of thermometers. Place the thermometer under the tongue and with your mouth closed hold the thermometer in place until a reading is taken.

Wait at least 15-30 minutes after eating or drinking hot/cold substances before taking an oral temperature.

Rectal thermometer:

This is the most accurate type of thermometer, but it is not recommended for adults. Insert the probe gently into the rectum until the device beeps or the specified time elapses.

Use a water-soluble lubricant (such as KY-Jelly).

Axillary (armpit) thermometer:

This is a good option for children and babies. Place the thermometer under the armpit and hold the arm snugly against the body for the recommended time until the thermometer beeps.

Keep the area as dry as possible when taking a measurement.

Tympanic (ear) thermometer:

This is a quick and easy way to measure your temperature. Place the thermometer in the ear, click the button and hold it in place until it beeps.

Pulling the ear gently can help straighten the ear canal and ensure a snug fit for an accurate reading.

Infrared (forehead) thermometer:

This method is quick, non-invasive and suitable for children and adults. It is also useful when many measurements need to be taken quickly (e.g. in a screening setting). However, it may be less accurate than other forms of measurement. Point the thermometer at the forehead, click the button and wait until a reading is taken.

Keep the forehead dry, free from sweat or hair for optimal results.

Tips for accurate temperature readings

1. Choose the right thermometer: different thermometers have specific uses, so choose the one most appropriate for the age group and situation.

2. Follow manufacturer instructions: always adhere to the instructions provided with the thermometer as each device may have slightly different specifications.

3. Rest before measurement: wait for at least 15 minutes after physical activity or consuming hot/cold substances before checking temperature.

4. Consistent method: sticking to one method for consistency can help to monitor trends in body temperature over time.

What is considered a fever?

Fever: A body temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or higher is indicative of a fever.

Low-Grade Fever: some sources might use the term "low-grade fever" for temperatures slightly above the normal range but below 38°C (100.4°F).

What is considered hypothermia?

Hypothermia is when the body temperature drops dangerously low, to below 35°C (95°F).


It is important to be aware that the method of measurement can affect the recorded temperature to a degree (not literally!). For example, oral, rectal, ear, and forehead temperature measurements may yield slightly different readings, however the cut-off ranges above for fever and hypothermia hold true.

It can be helpful to be familiar with your own baseline temperature and recognize any significant deviations from your normal range.

Part 2: Why is Evidence-Based Medicine Important?
Evidence-Based Medicine

Part 2: Why is Evidence-Based Medicine Important?

Evidence-based medicine guides doctors in making informed decisions based on the most robust scientific evidence. This approach replaces outdated practices and biases with the power of evidence, ensuring continuous improvement and standardization of care.
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Why is evidence-based medicine important?

If you haven't already, take a read about evidence-based medicine in Part 1. In short, evidence-based medicine (EBM) is crucial for several reasons:

Less guesswork, more certainty

Evidence does not lie. It does not hold on to tradition or bias and it is not afraid to be wrong. If evidence emerges to the contrary of established medical thinking, this then becomes the new thinking. Antiquated, ineffective practices are thrown out with the adoption of safer, more effective practice. Evidence-based medicine is like a set of rules that everyone follows so there is standardisation and means you're more likely to get the same high-quality care no matter where you go.

Better outcomes, ethical care

Working on the principles of evidence-based medicine ensures that doctors make decisions based on the most recent and reliable scientific information. This way, you're less likely to get treatments that don't work or, even worse, harm you, upholding the ethical principles of medicine. Evidence-based medicine is about keeping patients safe and making sure the best care possible is offered which is of paramount importance.

Pushing medical advancement

The practice of evidence-based medicine serves as a catalyst for medical advancement. By promoting rigorous research and sound scientific practices, it fosters the continuous exploration of novel and innovative approaches to healthcare which contributes to enhanced patient care and better medical outcomes.

Better resource allocation

Healthcare resources like money and time are limited and so evidence-based medicine plays a crucial role in guiding the judicious allocation of these resources by focusing on treatments and practices that have been proven to work and are cost-effective.

In essence, EBM is a powerful tool that elevates healthcare to a higher standard of evidence-driven decision-making, prioritizing patient well-being, ethical care, medical advancement, and efficient resource utilization.

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